Only one month in office and he has already saved us from an asteroid!

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I am a conservative from Washington state. Thought you should know that after Newhouse received endorsement from Huck PAC, he spent money on a massive ad and mail smear campaign of lies against his opponent, Sesslor. It featured lies and horrible pictures of Sesslor. Now I’m not saying the money you gave to Newhouse was used for this smear campaign. Just wanted you to know what went down. Having said that, I love your newsletter and so appreciate the research and fact checking you do in presenting the news. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for sending --- I will pass this along. The newsletter is separate from HuckPAC, and we newsletter writers aren't familiar with the Newhouse/Sesslor race. If the ad you're talking about is online, could you send the link to me here? I'd like to see it...

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So sorry Laura. Tho most of Newhouse’s trash was DAILY full color 5X7 cards, I have long ago deleted any I may have received. I personally received over 10 cards in the space of 2 weeks mail.

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The Supreme Court intervened in Trumps behalf on the money freeze that a lower court blocked the other day . . It’s about time . That Trump is recognized as the voters president. Not the scum bags pretending to be the law . These scum from hell Judges and courts are leftovers from the Joe Biden corrupt administration we vote out . We don’t what them no more or ever . It hurts to clean up any infection.

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Tell me I'm wrong, but I believe Biden was put in position to be president in 2020 with the "Deep State" knowing he was in cognitive decline back then. He didn't have the brains to debate President Trump in 2020 anymore than he did in 2024. It was just more apparent the second time around. Because his condition was obviously worse in 2024. They knew his ego was off the charts which made him so easy to manipulate. The perfect narcissist puppet for the "Deep State" to force their evil agenda on the American people.

Rest in peace Gene Hackman. He could make me laugh and smile in one movie and scare the daylights out of me in another. What a tremendously great actor he was.

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Right on both counts. (Watch Hackman in THE CONVERSATION to see how he could brilliantly underplay a character. Great movie, too!)

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My favorite Gene Hackman movie is Hoosiers!

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RE: "Supreme Court intervenes".

I think the U.S. Supreme Court is beginning to notice the lower courts usurping the powers of the U.S. Supreme Court via inaction by the U.S. Supreme Court who has been sending almost everything back to the States and Federal District Courts to decide on U.S. Constitutional matters.

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Excellent point.

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This is what a good consultant does, "Elon Musk wants 'top notch' retired air traffic controllers to consider returning to work", https://www.foxbusiness.com/person/g/daniella-genovese, this is not a demand, he's not "running over" the establishment, he making a recommendation based on his observations and successful business experience. If the DOT finds merit in the idea it is up to them to handle the response. Every Musk/DOGE criticism so far has been nothing but sour grapes by people who should have had this under control but didn't.

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The FAA has a mandatory retirement age of 56 for good reason(s). And regs, charts, procedures and etc. are ever changing. The big problem is DEI over ability is infiltrating a high stress level environment where lives are at stake where top mental performance is essential 24/7.

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You are certainly right about DEI and the evidence is there to prove it, but I'm not certain I can agree with the "good reasons" for the FAA's mandatory retirement age. Our brains don't wear out with use, in fact the opposite appears more likely the case, they get better. Nor is it true that "one size fits all" whether in clothing or physiology. When the FAA opened the door to "people with disabilities" it was based on as much "science" as closing the door based on age. Musk's suggestion was not to bring back incompetent people but the best based on proven service.

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The FAA made 56 a age mandatory based on research years ago based on performance mainly speed of thought processing for multiple flights and conditions at the same time. Mainly we all mentally decline at different age. But you don't want to find out what age for an individual by Oops! when lives are at stake.

That said, controllers at 56 can and do go to supervisory or administration positions where their experience is needed and beneficial to everyone.

Bringing back retired controllers is bad too as the technology has changed so much. As has ILS, IFR, VFR, Approach, procedures and etc. at given airport.

For airline pilots the retirement age is 65 ( two man flight crew) and much lighter work load than in the control tower.

Having been in control towers as a visiting pilot...NO THANK YOU! No way would I ever want that job! My hat is off to all those controllers who thrive on that environment!

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I don't know what "research" they conducted to determine a specific age at which a person could not function in their job, but the government also said children had to stay out of school, work from home, stand six feet apart and wear masks do to COVID and none of that was true so the "research or expert" argument is not exactly a firm foundation. Like expiration dates on food, bureaucrats draw arbitrary "lines in the sand" to protect from litigation. Two man flight crews is not about mental faculty but physical incapacity and the 65 age is the same as an expiration date on food, if you don't "define" one and something happens "your at fault", if something happens to a pilot under 65 (which it can and does) you point to the "rule" as your defense.

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I think you may be more right. Perhaps the answer lies in between us.

Bring the retirees back to work with the DEI hires to bring them up to speed or at least until you get new hires trained which takes quite a while depending on the tower location and workload.

But no matter what air safety is paramount.

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You're right about that of course. I was thinking about this on my walk today and two or the recent incidents highlight this issue. The helicopter over the Hudson was at the wrong altitude but the tower never gave a command to descend to 200 ft. (their authorized level), and the Midway near miss, the private jet was told to hold at the runway with no record or acknowledging the command and no record of the ground controller questioning that, and the inbound plane responded to the problem visually as opposed to being warned by either controller. In both instances the flight crews will unlikely bear primary responsibility but I don't think you can say positively that the controllers did their job either.

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Read the article, "'Structural racism': Top taxpayer-funded academy rife with DEI programs, hefty executive salaries", https://www.foxnews.com/person/m/andrew-mark-miller, and am wondering why our tax money should be going to this organization ai all. Not only are these salaries completely out of line, (the President doesn't get paid this much), but we have non-government institutions and organizations to foster this kind of "technical community", it does not need to be a government funded program. This may not be waste or fraud in the sense of many of the things DOGE has uncovered but it is unnecessary expenditures of tax payer funds, at least while we are running a deficit. If all other obligations and debts are covered something like this could be revisited (not the salaries) but until then my vote is to cancel immediately.

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This book needs to be ignored nobody bye it . For its old news

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I personally wouldn't clean up dog poop with rotten lying book!

Never could watch anything he was involved in;moderator of debate NOT!!

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Agreed, though I think a whiff of dog poop could only improve the smell.

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RE: Fake News Thursday - I keep thinking the demoncrats can't get any more despicable, but they keep proving me wrong!

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And they never learn from their mistakes. But they will defend their own mistakes thru all of eternity and beyond into the "Twilight Zone".

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And they are monolithic in the way they vote. When a conservative bill comes up in the Senate ALL the democrats vote against it. Here in Virginia we have been cursed with two career Democrats in the Senate, Warner and Kaine. The whole state (commonwealth) votes conservative, except for the big cities. I wish we could give the northern Virginia counties to the Peoples' Republic of Maryland.

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Regarding Rufo's comment about how "people hate Christians and they’re always espousing socialist and Marxist beliefs.”

I always laugh because they are so stupid. You NEVER see them emigrate to Russia or China. Kind of like how the Hollyweird people always say they are leaving America if their candidate doesn't win. I m still waiting for them to leave, but they never do. My hopes have been dashed!

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I really think the oxymoronic Democrats believe Hitler : if you repeat a lie loud enough and long enough people will believe it -- some people at least. Sheeesh.

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Trump's Gold Card: is something like that how Soros landed here and can we have him exiled for the safety of America?

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The Pentagons bold decision on revoking trans in the military is right on. The government should not be concerned with individuals who are confused with their sexuality. All service branches enlistments are up. Bravo.

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The Warrior Project song.


This is what the U.S. Military is really about! Hoo-rah!!

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Quite a production! Yes, this song makes it very clear that the real purpose of the military is, as Rush used to say, "to kill people and break things." Tough stuff. Thanks for sending.

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To borrow a quote ......"Now you know how I feel".

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Their plan was getting lifetime medical & psychiatric care,

inevitable with "transitions"

of any kind;unbelievably costly!!

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For sure. Biden had millions of dollars allocated for trans bathrooms. These people are sick in their minds. Some are nothing but opportunists and predators.

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"These people are sick in their minds. " Say it again and again! wish I could give the commit many more likes!!!!!

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And the Biden Administration saw nothing wrong with it. I was watching a video of him caressing little girls while posing for photo ops over a period of time. He is/was a most disgusting pedophile!

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What a full newsletter. So much going on. As a military brat my first 20 years, I am glad the military will be getting back to its mission, defending our country. Trans folks have a mental disfunction. People with mental issues do not belong in the military.

I am concerned about a few things: deporting people who were brought here as children, raised as Americans, are productive residents and often don’t even speak the language of their birth country: Deporting people with no criminal record, who have lived here 20 years and worked snd are not dependent on US support: and cutting treatment research programs for people being treated for life threatening illnesses where extension of life is dependent on these drugs. Further it is beneficial to have a means of testing possible treatments. Health funding should not be tampered with. That is the one socialist cause I support, good health care for all but not through full out socialized medicine where we get rationing. We run the .Medicade system all wrong. People should not be cut off ar reaching a certain income, but should pay a small premium, rising as their fortunes improve until they can buy insurance themselves. We want to incentivize people not discourage them. But of course there is no way I can actual influence the leadership.

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Your concerns touch on so many issues, but just to address one, the goal of Trump's immigration reform is surely not to deport the group you're talking about, the ones brought in as young children and who essentially are Americans. If DHS ever finishes deporting all the gang members and serious criminals and starts targeting these productive, law-abiding residents, I will be very surprised. I think these will be taken case-by-case in a compassionate way. Hope I'm right!

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I assure you sister Anne that these illegals born here or elsewhere can speak the language of their native countrie and the birthright issue may settle it in the SCOTUS. As for health care lets go back to private healthcare.

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Thank you. Hmmmm….the name Nick Sortor kinda reminds me of Soros except instead of “ros” for “Rot” he has a “t” for “Truth”

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