On the human rights issue (lgbtq and whatever other letter one wants to put in), it isn't just J.K. Rawlings to look at, but Riley Gaines. Riley one of the best when it comes to female sports, from kindergarten through adult years.
Dumbest thing the right wing pundits and influencers can do is give Gavin Newsom Credibility by going on his show…this man is a DEMON and will use them all to gain popularity on the Left for a POTUS run in 2028. HUGE MISTAKE
The dems just don't have a clue they woke a giant. Except he wasn't sleeping. Nice move Game Master. When all the investigations are done and dusted I suggested A.O.C. and Kamala be put in the same prison cell with a hidden recorder. I'm sure Elon could quickly come up with a game of "Guess What A.O.C. and K. are trying to say. And, the humane thing to do for A.O.C. is to let her take her $10,000 evening dress with her for a security blanket when the transmen come calling. I think Kamala can take care of herself in that situation.
Depends on the crowd he is talking to at the moment as to what side he's on or not.
One thing about President Trump. He didn't do or say one single thing to pacify the dems. Trump stayed right on the straight and narrow! And many everyday citizens on the left agreed with Trump and I think will follow his leadership.
I’m off my rocker again, maybe…….but why weren’t the Democratic
Insurrectionist house M
members participating in the censorship protest not woken up in the middle of that night by FBI agents busting in their doors & holding them & their family members at gun point while rifling through underwear drawers? Why were they not arrested without charges & thrown into old, dirty, rotting underground jail cells in isolation without access to their attorneys? Why were they not abused while in those jail cells? Seriously, surely there were members of the House not protesting who feared for their lives & the “democracy” of the USA. Why are they not being prosecuted as M5ers….or whatever date that happened? Why? One more! They also should be charged with how badly they tried to sing “We Shall Overcome”! Did they get the rights to sing that song in public? If not, Charge ‘em! And isn’t that the song the slaves who dems tried to KEEP as slaves sang? How rude! 🤔
You guys nailed it on Gavin Newsom. He is SO slimy. We cannot not trust anything he says between now and the next election that is a 'change of position'. He will say anything he thinks the people want to hear to get elected, and then go right on doing whatever he wants to do. He has a zero trust factor.
Also brilliant, financial liability for these wackos running to their liberal judge friends trying to tie the president's hands. Let them go bankrupt and do not allow relief under the bankruptcy laws, but make them pay up...Hunter, I'm speaking to you as well!
Our president is a very smart man. He doesn't need to retaliate with law suit after law suit, although few would blame him after all he's been through, but simply revoke security clearances! Brilliant. Bad actors who are government employees can no longer perform their job and aren't worth dirt to an outside firm who needs those clearances. The law firm Perkins Coie cannot act without security clearances either. No need to gamble on a wacko judge with a lawsuit. Also, allows the president to stay out of the manure that is D.C. Well played, Mr. President!
And lawfare would then become the norm for politics. Political Lawfare is not in any way what the Founding Fathers wanted nor should "we the people" have any desire for. And what the dems were doing wasn't just lawfare, it was corrupt lawfare with corrupt unelected judges.
Lawfare should never be the norm. Speech, debate, exchange of ideas, argument(s), even contentious arguments. All to bring us together in agreement or compromise. and middle ground to strengthen and better the nation and it's people and thus making America the "Light of the World".
All of the lawfare over the past 8 years should have been settled right on the Floors of the Congress and the Senate to represent "We the People" in full public view with actual evidence and testimony! And if none, you just do not have a case.
Perhaps CA would like to be in independent country. In fact, the Western part of
Oregon and Washington could join them. It could be called the Socialist Republic of COW. Sorry Bossie. 🐮 The Eastern part of Oregon and Washington could join to become one state called the The Commonwealth of Winery, 🍷
I wonder how those on the Epstein list are doing. Do you hear a lot of nasty divorces pending? I love the way Queen Elizabeth sent her son Andrew to bed without a lot of things. I’m sure his doghouse is quite nice.
There are far too many security clearances out there. Perhaps 47 should appoint an Elon type to address those. Many get these clearances because of contracts requiring them. Then, when the contracts are over, they just keep them. Having a Top Secret Clearance is worth quite a lot on the job market. Another government program that has gotten out of hand.
If I were a liberal I would be so embarrassed. Oh wait, I couldn’t possibly be a liberal, I have a functioning brain.
As a CA resident, I do not wish to be independent from the US. CA could use a super-DOGE and could expose many of our politicians. If the eastern part of WA and OR joins to become a state, much of CA would like to join.
It’s so typical of Bill Nye “science” guy to just tell complete lies in order to push the agenda he is paid to push - climate change - “ by the year 2000 the east coast of the US will be under water and entire island nations will be submerged”- wasn’t that Al Gore’s mantra- for a while….
The newsletter started the news with GOOD NEWS security clearances revoked for Perkins Coie! Wound it be prudent to pause all security clearances, except for the crucial ones, then reissue as needed!
"The Democrat House members who obstructed government business" Looks like good J6 type Fodder for jail 3 years then CENSOR!
Gavin Newsom is a chameleon, changes with the wind!
Read this article today, Space Force's mysterious X-37B plane returns to Earth after 434 days in orbit", https://www.foxnews.com/person/d/michael-dorgan, and actually have some relatives who were briefly assigned to this new organization. I know this was started during Trump's first term but I hope is does not escape the scrutiny of his second terms "open administration" and fiscal responsibility initiatives. While everything is "secret" I have to wonder exactly what was "learned about space" that could not have been learned aboard the space station already in orbit. I'm aware this is a military piece of equipment but question whether these unmanned experiments could not have been housed in sealed modules sent to and returned from the space station on regularly scheduled trips, without the cost of developing an unmanned ship to carry the payloads, or is the ship itself a space based military weapons platform? We are after all hoping for transparency in government not just "liberal democratic Biden" government.
On the human rights issue (lgbtq and whatever other letter one wants to put in), it isn't just J.K. Rawlings to look at, but Riley Gaines. Riley one of the best when it comes to female sports, from kindergarten through adult years.
Dumbest thing the right wing pundits and influencers can do is give Gavin Newsom Credibility by going on his show…this man is a DEMON and will use them all to gain popularity on the Left for a POTUS run in 2028. HUGE MISTAKE
Newsome is a chameleon. He changes colors, ideas, thoughts, actions to suit his surroundings.
A slippery slimy creature who should stay under a rock.
The dems just don't have a clue they woke a giant. Except he wasn't sleeping. Nice move Game Master. When all the investigations are done and dusted I suggested A.O.C. and Kamala be put in the same prison cell with a hidden recorder. I'm sure Elon could quickly come up with a game of "Guess What A.O.C. and K. are trying to say. And, the humane thing to do for A.O.C. is to let her take her $10,000 evening dress with her for a security blanket when the transmen come calling. I think Kamala can take care of herself in that situation.
He moderates to get elected. He is hardly a moderate. His record in California speaks for itself.
Depends on the crowd he is talking to at the moment as to what side he's on or not.
One thing about President Trump. He didn't do or say one single thing to pacify the dems. Trump stayed right on the straight and narrow! And many everyday citizens on the left agreed with Trump and I think will follow his leadership.
I’m off my rocker again, maybe…….but why weren’t the Democratic
Insurrectionist house M
members participating in the censorship protest not woken up in the middle of that night by FBI agents busting in their doors & holding them & their family members at gun point while rifling through underwear drawers? Why were they not arrested without charges & thrown into old, dirty, rotting underground jail cells in isolation without access to their attorneys? Why were they not abused while in those jail cells? Seriously, surely there were members of the House not protesting who feared for their lives & the “democracy” of the USA. Why are they not being prosecuted as M5ers….or whatever date that happened? Why? One more! They also should be charged with how badly they tried to sing “We Shall Overcome”! Did they get the rights to sing that song in public? If not, Charge ‘em! And isn’t that the song the slaves who dems tried to KEEP as slaves sang? How rude! 🤔
You guys nailed it on Gavin Newsom. He is SO slimy. We cannot not trust anything he says between now and the next election that is a 'change of position'. He will say anything he thinks the people want to hear to get elected, and then go right on doing whatever he wants to do. He has a zero trust factor.
Newsome: "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
Also brilliant, financial liability for these wackos running to their liberal judge friends trying to tie the president's hands. Let them go bankrupt and do not allow relief under the bankruptcy laws, but make them pay up...Hunter, I'm speaking to you as well!
Our president is a very smart man. He doesn't need to retaliate with law suit after law suit, although few would blame him after all he's been through, but simply revoke security clearances! Brilliant. Bad actors who are government employees can no longer perform their job and aren't worth dirt to an outside firm who needs those clearances. The law firm Perkins Coie cannot act without security clearances either. No need to gamble on a wacko judge with a lawsuit. Also, allows the president to stay out of the manure that is D.C. Well played, Mr. President!
Amen! Very well played!
And lawfare would then become the norm for politics. Political Lawfare is not in any way what the Founding Fathers wanted nor should "we the people" have any desire for. And what the dems were doing wasn't just lawfare, it was corrupt lawfare with corrupt unelected judges.
Lawfare should never be the norm. Speech, debate, exchange of ideas, argument(s), even contentious arguments. All to bring us together in agreement or compromise. and middle ground to strengthen and better the nation and it's people and thus making America the "Light of the World".
All of the lawfare over the past 8 years should have been settled right on the Floors of the Congress and the Senate to represent "We the People" in full public view with actual evidence and testimony! And if none, you just do not have a case.
Perhaps CA would like to be in independent country. In fact, the Western part of
Oregon and Washington could join them. It could be called the Socialist Republic of COW. Sorry Bossie. 🐮 The Eastern part of Oregon and Washington could join to become one state called the The Commonwealth of Winery, 🍷
I wonder how those on the Epstein list are doing. Do you hear a lot of nasty divorces pending? I love the way Queen Elizabeth sent her son Andrew to bed without a lot of things. I’m sure his doghouse is quite nice.
There are far too many security clearances out there. Perhaps 47 should appoint an Elon type to address those. Many get these clearances because of contracts requiring them. Then, when the contracts are over, they just keep them. Having a Top Secret Clearance is worth quite a lot on the job market. Another government program that has gotten out of hand.
If I were a liberal I would be so embarrassed. Oh wait, I couldn’t possibly be a liberal, I have a functioning brain.
As a CA resident, I do not wish to be independent from the US. CA could use a super-DOGE and could expose many of our politicians. If the eastern part of WA and OR joins to become a state, much of CA would like to join.
Then why keep electing Pelosi, Newsom, and so many liberal left wingers who do nothing but cause problems for the majority??????
It’s so typical of Bill Nye “science” guy to just tell complete lies in order to push the agenda he is paid to push - climate change - “ by the year 2000 the east coast of the US will be under water and entire island nations will be submerged”- wasn’t that Al Gore’s mantra- for a while….
He is delusional like John Kerry &
Al Gore;never been right about anything ever,that I'm aware of climate or weather-related!
The newsletter started the news with GOOD NEWS security clearances revoked for Perkins Coie! Wound it be prudent to pause all security clearances, except for the crucial ones, then reissue as needed!
"The Democrat House members who obstructed government business" Looks like good J6 type Fodder for jail 3 years then CENSOR!
Gavin Newsom is a chameleon, changes with the wind!
Thank you. Can you imagine actually listening to a Newsom podcast?
Not me!!
Not me either😬
Read this article today, Space Force's mysterious X-37B plane returns to Earth after 434 days in orbit", https://www.foxnews.com/person/d/michael-dorgan, and actually have some relatives who were briefly assigned to this new organization. I know this was started during Trump's first term but I hope is does not escape the scrutiny of his second terms "open administration" and fiscal responsibility initiatives. While everything is "secret" I have to wonder exactly what was "learned about space" that could not have been learned aboard the space station already in orbit. I'm aware this is a military piece of equipment but question whether these unmanned experiments could not have been housed in sealed modules sent to and returned from the space station on regularly scheduled trips, without the cost of developing an unmanned ship to carry the payloads, or is the ship itself a space based military weapons platform? We are after all hoping for transparency in government not just "liberal democratic Biden" government.