Newsom moderates on trans activism
He sparked controversy when conservative guest Charlie Kirk got Newsom to admit that he agrees that letting men compete in women’s sports is unfair.
Photo credit: Fox News
Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today’s newsletter is below.
P.S. The Morning Edition is a reader-supported publication. It delivers Monday-Saturday.
Daily Bible Verse
Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.
Colossians 4:2
Not kidding around
Longtime readers of this newsletter will recognize Perkins Coie as the Democrat super-law firm that’s somehow been connected to virtually every political controversy of the past decade or more, from the creation of the hoax “Russian dossier” Hillary Clinton used to smear Trump in 2016 to widespread efforts to use COVID as an excuse to weaken voter integrity laws. The firm is one of the major spokes in the Democrat wheel of power. And President Trump just took action to break it.
Trump signed an executive order suspending the security clearances of Perkins Coie employees, pending a review of whether those clearances are in the national interest. That means no more access to sensitive and classified information, and the lucrative deals that spring from such access. He also ordered federal agencies to identify any contracts with the firm and terminate them. Here’s the full text of the EO.
Trump’s justification is that the firm engages in race-based hiring practices (DEI) and “dishonest and dangerous” activities such as hiring the firm that manufactured a fake dossier to steal an election and working to undermine election integrity laws. It notes that “In one such case, a court was forced to sanction Perkins Coie attorneys for an unethical lack of candor before the court.”
Here’s more on the order and some background on Perkins Coie from Katie Pavlich at
Personally, we look forward to Democrats adding “shady lawyers” to the list of things they’re defending that already includes fraud and waste, federal bureaucrats, IRS agents and men who dominate women’s sports. This might finally get their approval rating into single digits.
Financial liability
Trump also issued an executive order designed to make it more painful to use lawfare to prevent the Administration from exercising its powers or imposing the agenda Trump ran on. The avalanche of lawsuits shopped to activist judges shows that the left has settled on this as their best strategy for thwarting the will of the voters when they’re out of power. But from now on, it’s going to cost them: Under Trump’s EO, individuals and entities who file lawsuits challenging the Administration’s policies will be financially liable for all costs if they lose.
This could be a real shock to these plaintiffs since the one thing they hate the most is paying for things with their own money.
Dennehy walks
James Dennehy, the head of the FBI’s New York field office, was escorted out of the building after he was forced to resign, following revelations of his efforts to “dig in” and undermine his new bosses and the refusal of federal officials in New York to turn over all the Jeffrey Epstein documents to AG Pam Bondi.
In a show of just how monolithic and embedded the deep state is, Dennehy’s walk-of-shame ejection was accompanied by staffers and colleagues cheering him and crying, with one man playing the bagpipes (although we’re not certain if that was a tribute or a punishment.) Sounds as if Dennehy's firing should be considered as only a good start.
As one commenter pointed out, it’s hard to feel sympathy for people who are that dedicated to protecting pedophiles.
Newsom moderates on trans activism
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is understandably trying out a new career as a podcaster. But he sparked controversy when conservative guest Charlie Kirk got Newsom to admit that he agrees that letting men compete in women’s sports is unfair – odd, since California has led the way in legalizing trans activism. It was generally taken as Newsom attempting his own transition, from America’s worst leftwing Governor to “moderate” presidential candidate.
Predictably, LGBTQ groups are up in arms, with the Human Rights Campaign declaring, “The path to 2028 isn’t paved with the betrayal of vulnerable communities.” Personally, we’d say the “vulnerable communities” are female athletes who have to face female-identifying males who are twice their size and strength.
If Newsom wants to convince voters that his transition to rationality is sincere, he should invite “Harry Potter” author J.K, Rowling on his show, She’s been a defender of women’s rights and a target for unhinged trans radicals since the early days when cancel culture was really taken seriously. But they haven’t bullied her into silence. From her latest must-read comments, we doubt they ever will.
Bill Nye’s blind eye
In a bizarre attempt to equate the recent wildfires in South Carolina with the devastating, leftist incompetence-fueled fires in California, CNN brought in Bill Nye, the “Science” Guy, to claim that South Carolina never had such fires until the era of “climate change.” Matt Vespa at shows why we put the quotation marks around “Science” in his title by pointing out that South Carolina has an average of 5,000 fires a year, and the worst wildfires were in 1976.
Another difference between the California and Carolina fires is that the ones in Carolina are already contained because they have competent fire preparedness, a water supply, and no overabundance of idiots in their government.
“Choose your fighter”
For years, liberals enjoyed the (self-created) reputation of being the “hip, cool” kids. Frankly, we never saw it. But lately, they’ve been about as hip and cool as Steve Urkel (even we’re hipper and cooler than they are, and we do “Urkel” references.)
The left seems to have cornered the market on cringe; first with their embarrassing Internet videos of nearly 30 Dem Senators all reading the same script; then with their "Who Let The Dogs Out?" behavior at Trump’s speech; and now, they’ve done it again. The Dems released a video they hoped would go viral, and it did, but for all the wrong reasons. It shows various female Dem Congress members striking laughable “fighting” stances as it urges viewers to “Choose Your Fighter.” It’s not clear if they’re striking a fight stance or doing a bad interpretive dance. If these are your choices of fighters, you should probably just surrender now and save time.
Or you could choose your fighter from the response video rushed out by the Trump team. With that one, the choice is hard because all the fighters are so hip, cool and tough, they look like actual fighters. Compare and contrast both videos here...
RELATED: The Democrat House members who obstructed government business (insurrection!) by refusing to stop (badly) singing "We Shall Overcome" to protest Rep. Al Green's well-deserved censure, may face punishment of their own. For inflicting that bad music on us, they should be forced to watch The Grammy Awards.
A “Huckabee” classic
To give you your Saturday “Huckabee” fix, let’s get ready for spring to arrive by revisiting the great performance of “Get Ready” from Peter Rivera of the classic rock/soul band Rare Earth with Tre Corley and the Music City Connection...
Bee Time
It’s the weekend, and you know what that means: Time to relax and see how the Babylon Bee dealt with this week’s news…
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Newsom in a classic example of a "say anything to get elected politician and only then govern as a far left radical". I sincerely doubt anyone believes a word he says, even his supporters. They just know it's an act to get elected. I don't think it will work this time. In any case, actions speak louder and he hasn't taken ANY actions to protect women/girls in sports or protect their rights to privacy. Pretty clear what he's up to.....
Read this short article today, "Agriculture secretary cancels $600K grant for study on menstrual cycles in transgender men",, which is ridiculous from the start, but what caught my eye was this "The study was first uncovered by the conservative nonprofit American Principles Project". The "liberal democratic Biden government" (and yes, that's a lot people to watch out for, it covers virtually everyone) thrives by working in the dark. Why should any $600K grant "have to be discovered"? The answer is of course the same as why did Trump have to engage Musk and establish DOGE, because "traditional government" is in the business of hiding the business they are in. There is so much that our government has been doing that no sane person would endorse that they had to resort to hiding everything. This is why no one in Congress is happy today. Why would they be as Trump has launched his open administration specifically charged with exposing their sins. Yes, I'm aware that some of this hides behind ideological differences but if it could stand up to the light of day it would not have needed to be been hidden in the first place. Now if only we had a court system that could understand reality and truth from fiction and lies, we could really make some progress.