I was shaking my head over the weekend as a high school classmate was losing her mind on Instagram. She evidently took offense to what happened in the White House with Zelensky and was "So embarrassed" she was literally crying her eyes out she was so upset. By Saturday she was just "exhausted" due to all the stress! She and her husband had to go to their "special" hotel on the coast to unwind. I can remember being embarrassed every time that Biden opened his mouth and yet I did not throw a fit or cry or stomp my feet or anything like that. I still can't believe a 63 year old is so ridiculous.

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In "Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone" (toward the end) Lord Voldemort says "there is no good or bad (possibly he said evil), only power." So, Voldemort was a practicing Democrat. This is the underlying principle of Communism, which supports lying, truth twisting, renaming, & name calling in order to gain or hold power.

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“Let’s focus on fixing our highways and bridges,” Trump says one day. “Trump threatens to shut down freeways,” reports the NYT.

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Isn't it great when a plan comes together, and your opposition has bloodied noses from walking around in a dark room of despair, bumping into walls?

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Re: USPS. We have a perfectly fine, large central post office with numerous neighborhood post offices here in Evansville IN (metro area about 150,000) but our mail now goes to Louisville KY. I send my kids across town a card but it goes to Louisville. Same thing if I mail a card to next door neighbor. Would someone care to explain where is the cost savings and efficiency in this.

How long would family budgets last if we had to get our groceries 2 hours away when there is a grocery 2 miles away?

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I have experienced the same "run around".

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Watching the Trump Zelenskyy thing in the White House. My gut feeling is Zelenskyy has little concern for all the deaths and suffering in Ukraine and Russia, nor does he seem to truly care about being on the threshold of WWIII and the aftermath.

For some reason it seems he doesn't want an endgame. Most likely it's the desire for more money and power for himself.

Zelenskyy really needs to be replaced.

And I trust Putin even less.

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What the rest of the world doesn't realize is that neither Bush nor Trump can make any promise that will last beyond their time in office. Any security guarantee that Trump makes to Ukraine won't mean anything after 2028. So far, he isn't even willing to talk about anything like a guarantee. See today's fiasco.

Trump was right about Europe getting hooked on russian gas. What Putin didn't realize was that it wouldn't take long for Europe and the rest of the world to get unhooked. World prices for petroleum reverted to mean in short order, leaving Europe with plenty of alternate sources.

I believe Putin is subject to the dicator's dilemma: No one is willing to tell the dicator anything he doesn't want to hear.

IMO in 2014 the Crimea invasion was a large Soviet army beating a small Soviet army. 2022 was a large Soviet army coming up against a NATO army. Whether Ukraine is a member of NATO or not, their army is a western army as opposed to a top down command army.

SL, Where do you get your 500,000 number for Ukraine casualties? Everything I see is a fraction of that.


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What are your sources? I get information from people watching satelite images of russian tank storage facilities, and counting tanks. I also get stuff from americans in Ukraine posted in various places. Kyivpost.com has good material in English from a pro-Ukraine viewpoint.

Do you disagree with the near million russian casualties? Where do you get your number?

You can bet what you like about the North Koreans. Once again, where do you get your information. The few that have been captured and videoed don't fit your description.

Calling people "nazis" has all the earmarks of russian propaganda. Making assertions without sources isn't very convincing.

As President Zelenskiy says, what is the point of negotiating with Putin? He has never kept any agreement. From the Budapest Accords to the present, any agreement made with Russia is only good until Russia breaks it. If you want to go back even further, how long did the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement last?


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Do I like and trust Putin? No. The problem is Bush promised we would NEVER expand NATO. So what does the US do? We want to add the Ukraine to NATO in direct violation of our promise and right on the border of Russia. I don't blame Putin for acting the way he did. He felt he had no choice since we LIED to Russia.

Do I feel sorry for the Ukrainians? Absolutely. They are paying the price for our lies. It is a travesty that over 500,000 Ukrainians have died in this war. Biden kept giving them money and weapons so this could carry over into the Trump presidency.

Trump will fix this, but the US should be hanging their heads in shame.

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As soon as President Trump announced he was going to take a look at the USPS I should have known he'd take care of the messed up government agency. Here's were some of the waste is... I mail a letter to someone in my small town (7500). It is then sent to a distribution center 42 miles away to be sorted and then brought back 42 miles to be delivered. That's takes 2 to 3 days if I'm lucky. I paid the rate for overnight delivery at Christmas. It was delivered 2 weeks later with NO refund from the postoffice. I'm sure like some of the other complaints already mentioned there are many many more.

As far as illegals getting on a plane with an arrest warrant for ID. What idiot came up with that idea? My driver's license is due for renewal. I am required to bring my present license and a present water or gas bill with me to prove I'm me, a citizen and live at my address of almost 30 years. My family has fought in every war since the Revolutionary except for Korea & Afghanistan (no one old enough at the time). I've NEVER committed a crime so why am I being scrutinized or an illegal?

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It’s a well known fact the people in this country just love being called stupid. Deplorable is right up there in popularity along with being called racist and Hitler, fascist, a hater.

I appreciate and definitely benefited from the increased opportunities that have come to benefit women in my lifetime. Men of all races and religions did need to be humbled and brought down from their pedestals, but as usual we have let this movement get out of hand, downgrading all white men just for being born white men. It is time to start realizing that to be a white man is not a bad thing any more than being born a person of color is bad. The aware white men who are trying to be fair are in the majority, at least in the non Muslim world. Yes, there are still some 19th century misogynists about but if you look at the young families of today, men are changing diapers, cooking meals and supporting their wives ambitions. Let’s face it, white men formed the government this country. Credit where credit is due. Let’s do what MLK said to do, judge people by the content of their character not the characteristics of their birth.

In truth the Democrats are making utter fools of themselves. The things that are coming out about the previous administration are what we knew intuitively but are now being prove,

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My son was between jobs when their two year old daughter had a massive stroke. She required therapy for several years. My daughter-in-law had the job and insurance so they had no choice but for him to become a stay at home dad to this child and their one year old! After two more children, he remained in that role until the children were grown. So yes, men's roles have changed, thankfully for the better.

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Kudos to your son and daughter in law. They put their children first, a rarity in some places. Kids know when they are loved 🥰

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Two questions: Why are the Biden & his Admin ever going to be held accountable? Probably never even though they put the country in jeopardy. Unvetted illegal migrants from all over the world.

The Democrats lie in the new admin under President Trump and it seems that they can do or say anything at all! They hold demonstrations and lie and mislead the "people that they have been elected to represent." Schumer threatened SCOTUS. Why is it ok for Dems to lie and never have to be responsible for it?

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I feel you. It's disgusting these leeches seem to get away with their evil all the time.

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You could also include Madam Hillary all the way back to Arkansas and LBJ and FDR and the list goes on. Seems as though the slime that makes them difficult to catch is generational. They will be caught in the end and there will be carnage and chaos trailing behind each of them that is permanently stuck to their slime

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Biden insured that they won't be held accountable with all of his massive Presidential Pardons. Which to me suggests that there was in fact massive corruption in and out of government.

Elections do have consequences. Face it, America voted in a crook to the White House with a past history of crooked dealings.

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Thank you. Hey excellent….soon we will be able to use the toilet in the middle of the night without waking up the entire household with a several minutes long Niagara Falls flood storm.

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On "Keep an eye on this case" besides the several typos in the second sentence, "he" "we" which made it difficult to understand who was what, after I got that figured out, my first thought was "It's about time."

It doesn't affect me now as I am long retired, but back in the 70s with "Affirmative Action" it did big time. I can't tell you how many times I was told I was "over-qualified" for an administrative job with a bachelor's degree and a couple of years of experience. I'd guess I was supposed to believe that the fact that I'm a white male had nothing to do with it.

I am truly sorry that many persons over the years have been discriminated against. But no matter how you slice it, two wrongs don't make a right. Jobs should be awarded based on ability, not skin color or ethnicity or all the other isms added over the years.

Depending on how SCOTUS rules, we may see that changing.

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I love your head lines: our asteroids are saved and flush with success among others😂 and I love your news coverage of course!

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Bidens quid pro quo ala Ukraine on full display on the world stage. President Trump stands his ground. Bravo 👏

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Well said.

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RE: This story was barely reported

I remember when my wife and I had our first daughter. My wife asked for an itemized copy of the charges. We were charged $1/pill for Tylenol! My wife had refused them and they still put them on our bill! This was over 40 years ago. I can't imagine what they charge now!

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Any procedure I've had lately, doesn't even come with an itemized statement...just a total paid by insurance and what I owe. Or I have to pay up front before they'll even talk about going forward with the procedure. I'm glad to see this new regulation. Healthcare and insurance companies have become a major ripoff.

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