Keep an eye on this case
Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a little-discussed but possibly groundbreaking case, Adams v. Ohio Department of Youth Services.
Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today’s newsletter is below.
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Daily Bible Verse
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love]mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJV
Keep an eye on this case
Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a little-discussed but possibly groundbreaking case, Adams v. Ohio Department of Youth Services. Marlene Adams charges that he was discriminated against by the agency we worked for because she’s heterosexual, and a younger, unqualified gay worker was promoted over her. She was later demoted to a job that paid half what she was making and replaced by a gay man.
There was general agreement from the Court session that the SCOTUS is likely to strike down the “background circumstances” rule which requires members of a majority identity group to prove upfront that the employer discriminates against the majority. It could lead to a tsunami of “reverse discrimination” lawsuits by people passed over for jobs because they’re white, straight, male, etc.
Note to Jeff Bezos: If you really want to make the Washington Post a genuine newspaper again, read the article at the link, which slams WaPo for this headline. “"Supreme Court seems poised to lower bar for Whites to sue for job bias." That didn’t make clear that whites currently face a higher bar and this decision would only lower it to the level that already applies to everyone else.
For more background on this case, here’s law professor Jonathan Turley…
Possible election fraud in Ohio
This post was cross-posted from Huck PAC News. Read their full newsletter here.
After an investigation of the “progressive voter registration group” Black Fork Strategies, the Ohio Secretary of State has sent evidence of possible election fraud to prosecutors in 20 counties. BFS has boasted of registering over 125,000 voters in Ohio since 2018, but suspicions were raised by some of their registration forms. They included a registration in the name “Henry Kissinger” with no other details that matched state records, and a stack of forms an inch thick that all had the same handwriting, which matched that of the BFS operative who allegedly collected them.
One member of the Hamilton County Board of Elections said, “First thing I want to point out is that we use words like ‘anomalies’ and ‘suspicion’ and everything else because we try to be PC, I guess. But this is fraud! This is outright fraudulent behavior! Who’s responsible, and how are they responsible?...That’ll be up to somebody other than me. But it’s plain and obvious to me when you get this many registration cards with the very same handwriting that someone is trying to defraud the elections process in Hamilton County. So, to the extent that there’s any press watching, voter fraud is real! It does happen. It happens oftentimes in the form of phony registrations, all in the same handwriting. So that happens.”
We're shocked. We've been assured by all the smartest people that voter fraud never happens.
This story was barely reported
President Trump signed a new executive order that the media is barely reporting, but we bet our readers will be very interested. To promote healthcare cost transparency, Trump is ordering regulators to force healthcare facilities and insurance companies to publicly disclose the prices of different medical services. The order also requires hospitals to “maintain a consumer-friendly display of pricing information for up to 300 shoppable services and a machine-readable file with negotiated rates for every single service the hospital provides." So no more getting a hospital bill after receiving care and discovering you were charged more for a Tylenol than you paid for your first car.
Congresswoman is slammed for comments
We’ve been saying for years that the Democrats’ fervent defense of illegal immigration – they need to import people from the Third World to do field and housework for less than they’d have to pay an American citizen – was the exact same rationale their ancestors used to defend slavery in the 1860s, and they got equally upset when a Republican President tried to stop that, too.
Some say that analogy is offensive or radical, but it’s just accurate, and the truth hurts. But now, truly radical left Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal is under fire from her own side for admitting their true motivations just a little too obviously.
For the record:
ICE has been staging raids in cities not on farms because that’s where criminal illegal aliens practice their crafts of drug dealing, theft and sex trafficking. Also because most foreign farm workers are not illegal immigrants. Farmers who don’t want to run afoul of federal law hire workers with H-2a visas. Those are for temporary agricultural workers who come here to do seasonal farm work, then go home -- which is what "migrant" actually means.
Not making this up
We’ve written about this before, but more information is finally coming out about it thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. Anyone who cares about national security, or who’s ever had to suffer through a loooong airport security line, will be enraged to discover this. The Biden Administration changed TSA guidelines to allow unvetted illegal aliens through TSA checkpoints and onto planes. They didn’t even need ID, but if they had arrest warrants, they could show those and they’d be accepted as ID to board planes. No, we are not making this up…
Macron impressed
Trump had a very positive meeting Monday at the White House with French President Macron to discuss his efforts to end the Russia-Ukraine war. The media tries to paint any efforts by Trump to engage Russia as Trump being a “Putin puppet,” but as he’s pointed out, Russia is the much stronger player in this war and if nobody talks to them and we just keep arming Ukraine, the killing will just go on forever.
Macron came out of the meeting seemingly impressed with Trump’s efforts, saying that there’s "good reason for President Trump to reengage with President Putin" to negotiate a peace, although "being strong and having deterrence capacities is the only way to be sure it will be respected." He said, "A lot of my European colleagues are ready to be engaged, but we do need this American backup because this is part of the credibility of the security guarantees. And this is our collective deterrence capacity. And I have the feeling that the President has this capacity."
A New Poll
The new Harvard-Harris poll shows Trump’s approval-disapproval rating at 52-43%, a whopping 9 points in the plus column. He has a positive favorability rating with every racial and demographic group except 18-to-24-year-olds, and his approval rating is much higher than that of any well-known Democrat.
The same poll also found that “67% of voters say the current level of U.S. federal government debt is unsustainable"; "83% of voters favor reducing government expenditures over increasing taxes"; "77% say a full examination of all government expenditures is necessary” and 60% of voters think DOGE is helping to make this happen.
So if anything is collapsing, it’s not support for Trump or for cutting wasteful government spending. What’s collapsing is the Democrats’ narrative that Trump’s support is collapsing. Also, James Carville doesn’t look so steady these days, either.
Flush with success
Trump supporters can now truly say that they’re feeling flush with success after Trump announced that he’s ordering the EPA to roll back requirements for low-flow toilets. They’re the kind that are supposed to save water, but you have to flush them repeatedly to get them to work. He’s also getting rid of rules barring or limiting plastic straws, incandescent light bulbs and shower heads that don’t let enough water through to wash the shampoo out of your hair. Somewhere, Cosmo Kramer is smiling…
Panic du Jour:
The latest Trump suggestion that Democrats are panicking over is his vague comment about reforming the Post Office. Trump said, “We think we can do something that will be very good and keep it a very similar way,” but “We want to have a post office that works well and doesn’t lose massive amounts of money.”
Congressional Democrats responded with fury, accusing Trump of wanting to dismantle and destroy the US Post Office. Rep. Gerry Connolly of the House Oversight Committee raged that they will not allow him to “undermine the affordability and reliability of the U.S. postal system.”
And we thought it was stupid when they staked their political fortunes on defending men in women’s locker rooms!
New tactic
The latest trial balloon the Democrats are floating to undermine Trump is the claim that voters are already tired of Trump’s “chaos” and are turning against him. They’re doing this by cherry-picking certain issues in polls by liberal outlets like CNN. But if you go to the Real Clear Politics website, you’ll see that they have 11 recent approval polls for Trump. He’s on the positive side in seven polls and the negative side in four, with an RCP average of 49.1% approval to 47.8% disapproval.
Democrat strategist Mark Penn reported on X that a new poll coming out Monday has Trump’s job approval at 52%. Americans don’t like everything he’s doing, but closing the border, cutting government waste and replacing DEI with merit-based hiring are “hugely popular.” They think he’s doing a better job than Biden by 57-43%. And Democrats’ approval rate is down the toilet at 36%, with Elon Musk’s approval rating a lot higher than Chuck Schumer’s.
If this anti-Trump tactic doesn’t work, the Democrats’ Plan B strategy is apparently to tell voters that they’re just too stupid to realize how great leftwing policies are.
And if that doesn’t work, there’s always name-calling. But even that’s fizzling for them. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries tried launching a new derogatory nickname for President Trump: “Captain Chaos.” Trump supporters think it sounds awesome and are quoting it everywhere.
Moral: Never get into a derogatory nickname contest with Donald Trump.
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I pray he follows through on the USPS. Since late September I’ve had 3 greeting cards never delivered (all same address) and 2 small padded mailers at Christmas. Both mailed on 12/13. One arrived 12/30 and the other 1/14. Both had been torn open.
What used to be the gold standard for postal service is a joke and apparently the bosses don’t care.
Zelensky didn't look as happy as he did with Biden. Biden gave him the farm with no repercussions. Trump is a business man. He rightly wants something in return after all the Europeans made loans with Ukraine. They weren't stupid like Biden.