Gov. MIKE YOUR NEWSLETTER IS ALWAYS RIGHT I loved what you said about the Democrates who attended Trumps speech. Your description of the Democrates was absolutely correct. They are a bunch of snotty nosed spoiled rotten children who have had their way much too long. I look forward to reading your newsletter every day. I can always count on getting the truth.

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Supreme Court Justice Barrett proves once again that she cannot be mischaracterized as having a conservative bent. Those spurious allegations must be stopped! (sarcasm alert)

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Supreme Court justice Barrett is such a huge disappointment. I can’t imagine how she can twist the constitution to make lower court justices have authority over the Presidency. What a travesty.

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I hope so. The Dems have lost touch with reality beyond TDS. There is a need for a second party, maybe even a third, but undermining our Constitution and Laws is an attack on our country's civil being. Either those pulling the strings while remaining hidden need to go back into their holes defeated and allow sane people to do a better job or they will take the party down with them, which seems to be their choice thus far. The arrogance of their actions combined with an absolute lack of moral compass leads me to believe that this is more than China alone but a consortium of the New World Order gang. China is the prime suspect though given that Biden is a "bought man". The Supreme Court Chief Justice is less than he portrays.

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TY Gov Huckabee! This is our source of good information in this time of amazing great changes. Please don't cut it. It's all good information we are eager to hear and share. Blessings to you and your family. Please keep up your good work!

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God has given America a Rebirth. My Lord and Savior is bringing us back to "common sense. May the Good Lord Bless You and family and hold you in the palm of His loving hands. God is Great!

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So right on, Mike - loved the comment regarding the Dems sitting on their hands - "Normally, as that overwhelmed child accepted his badge, we’d say there wasn’t a dry eye in the House. But the Democrats kept their seats, stilled their hands and just glared dry-eyed like Blue Meanies through it all." I was so thrilled by the speech and just about everything, but felt so bad about how the democrats acted. It was as Mike said just plain "mean!"

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""Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them." Prov. 28:4

"Wisdom is too high for the fool; in the assembly at the gate he has nothing to say." Prov. 24:7

"Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble." Pro. 24:1

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Prov. 25:11

Probably the most disturbing thing that I observed during the President's speech last night was a Democratic Congresswoman clapping during the President's speech signifying that she, and others of her party were for continuing the bloodshed of the Ukraine war. Here she is a woman, of the more sensitive and intuitive sex, rooting for more sorrow and death on the part of parents, children, wives and families of thousands more men and women in the military and otherwise. I wonder, if this war were in our country, would she be so ready to clap for more blood being spilled?

Even though Ukraine is not the aggressor in this war, it is obvious that they cannot win it on their own. Settling to remain a sovereign country is better than being left with no country at all if Russia takes everything. Wronged or not, settling for being left with something is better than being left with nothing. All our President is trying to do is stop the bloodshed and save what is left of Ukraine for its people instead of them becoming totally subservient to Russia. Many have vested interests in seeing this war continue for their own profit, caring nothing for the lives of others. May God have mercy on their souls!

One condition that I would make with accepting Zalinski's request to sign President Trump's agreement would be that Zelinski divulge the conversations had with Democratic Congressmen prior to the White House meeting for possible charges of treason undermining a sitting President trying to bring an end to war.

The Democrats have become utterly disgusting and a stench to me.

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I do wonder if that conversation between Trump and Zelensky about Z's meeting with the Dems might have already taken place behind the scenes. I'll bet Trump knows all about it.

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Anyone interested in Constitutional law should watch the last four episodes of Life Liberty & Levin. Cuts through the noise like a laser guided missile aimed at a cartel drug lab…

As for Trumps speech, brilliant! As for the Marxist leftist Dems, petulant children! Shame on them but that would assume they have a conscience or even a brain…

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As has been stated too many times now, if SCOTUS does not get this figured out, and soon, we are going to have full scale anarchy on our hands. We may yet see the day when the military will have to decide if they really do report to the Commander in Chief like the Constitution says, or will the role of President become obsolete. I still believe is a three part government, legislators (Congress) and Judges make up two parts of the system, the Executive Branch is everything else and who heads up the Executive Branch, The President of the United States. Legislators write laws, judges adjudicate disputes over laws, and the President runs the government. Is there anything about this system of government that allows what is going on today, if there is I would like someone to point it out to me? Trump has not broken a single law but he has made decision that some people don't like. There recourse is to run for president in the next election, until then their opinion is just that, an opinion.

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Yes!!!! Amen!

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Love y’all’s humor!! Rep. Al Green “ranting like Grandpa Simpson!!”😂😂😂. And I’m glad that you cleared up what happened with that sign that went flying!!!😂😂😂 Go, Rep. Lance Gooden!!! I much enjoyed watching VP Vance’s face as he stared down the fit-throwing democrats. It was worth the price of the ticket! They (democrats) are so blessed that Memaw has left this earth! Also, as I watched the much aged Pelosi I found myself wondering if she was thinking, “Am I dreaming or am I really seeing this? How did this man get elected again? We accused him falsely of an insurrection….heck, we even destroyed the evidence and had the National Guard stand down, yet here he is!!!” And my final thought/suggestion…find out what color these deranged democrat women are going to wear and then have all the Republicans wear that color too. This way, they won’t stand out!!!😂😂😂

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Huck PAC is welcome to use my below comments:

While watching President Trump's excellent speech last night, I saw firsthand the contrast between President Trump and conservatives who are trying to restore American greatness with the vile hatred the Democrat members of Congress showed for both our President and for the American people. Before President Trump's speech was over, I grabbed my computer (not to browse around it and ignore the President like Pocahontas did) and went straight to the Huck PAC website and sent in an extra donation on top of my already giving a monthly donation to Huck PAC. I encourage every patriotic American who wants to ensure Congress remains in the hands of conservatives and common sense do the same. President Trump is fighting for our country. Now is our turn to join the fight with him!

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You “sold” me!! You are right!!!

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When the Democrats held up their stupid little signs during President Trump's speech, they looked like they were trying to bid during an auction. Babylon Bee should do a spoof video of President Trump taking fast like an auctioneer. We also learned that Al Green is no Rosa Parks!

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Thanks, Nathan! We would love to use it this week in the newsletter. Thank you for going above and beyond! - Chris

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You're welcome to use it anywhere you need to (newsletters, social media, websites, etc). Anything I can do to help!

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The temper tantrum exhibited by the Democrats last night was embarrassing to the USA. They need to be put in time out just like the children that they are emulating. For those of you wondering how they get voted in, I'm in WA state. Most of us DID NOT vote for them, but the controlling city of Seattle and environs rule all. Until we can get the major cities of the US to come to their senses this is what we are left with. (Many of us are convinced there is voter fraud alive and well here, as we are vote by mail only and motor-voter registration)

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Loved the NEWSLETTER today as I usually do!

This is what you get for the the Supreme Court that will not even hear, anyone's failure to uphold their OATH OF OFFICE!! I agree the battle is far from over.

Wasn't the speech GREAT!!!

My question is Rep. Al Green headed for jail, interrupting as they claimed J6's did.

Their political advisors were probably the same one's that advised Zelenskyy! Ha

"they may wander in the desert longer than Moses." GOOD ONE!

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Do you know what I missed during my president's speech? Someone in the background methodically tearing up papers. Comic relief? Whatever happened to that old alcoholic?

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Reliving her days as a beauty queen and sucking on her dentures

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Tell me why I actually feel compassion for her.

Is it because I have read the end of The Book?

And now, I pray for her...and for all the other lost demented ones who support the Radical Democrat playbook.

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She fell and broke her hip. Looks like it has taken a lot out of her, too. Either that, or the thought of going to jail as DOGE digs more deeply.

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Ah...I wish no evil to her. Rather, justice...and then...redemption. She is a sad lost soul.

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Agreed. I do love a good story about redemption, and it is my prayer for all people.

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Agreed. I do love a good story about redemption, and is my prayer for all people.

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What part of "probationary" do these people not understand? Is this a sign our public education system is so poorly run that these people don't have a basic understanding of how things work? I stand amazed. Probationary means until a defined period of time has elapsed and the employer has decided that the probationary employee is suitable for the job he/she is hired for, there is no guarantee of employment permanent or otherwise! Are we dealing with morons or imbeciles or perhaps both!!!

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Stupid is as stupid does. And they do.

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