Time to together super serious about these ppl, deport, arrest, prosecute as well as stop any funding. I agree with what our President will do about this.

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Another lie by a democrat "lawmaker", "Jasmine Crockett insists 'it's not a crime' to illegally cross the border", https://www.foxnews.com/person/k/lindsay-kornick, it's always interesting to see how the liberal democrats with try and redefine things the way they would like them to be. All of this rhetoric starts with their basic voluntary misunderstanding of the Trump deportation program. This program from the very start was identified first and foremost about going after illegal immigrants that were in fact criminals (either here or in their homeland), criminals not for being illegal but for actual crimes. So the first thing Crockett tries to do is talk around the real issue. Next, she tries to conflate two different issues, illegal entry with violation of entry, the first a crime, and second a civil violation, both of which can lead to deportation. A very recent story of the "second type" (violation of entry) involved wealthy pregnant woman brought in on a tourist visa, hidden while overstaying the visa period for the purpose of having their child on US soil and therefore a citizen. All very illegal and prosecuted, so even the second type can involve a crime depending on extenuating circumstances. This woman was voted into office by our electorate. She no more qualifies to be a "lawmaker" than Biden did to be president. In business the the line is "the buck stops at the top", in government the truth is the "buck stops with the electorate". How easily we forget that everything Musk and DOGE is uncovering was done by the government we elected. Granted much is the back room government that we don't actually vote for but they can only do what the elected officials allow.

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Saw this article, "Fetterman maverick persona doesn't translate as senator helps block trans sports bill", https://www.foxnews.com/person/j/julia-johnson, and the only thing that surprises me is how little people understand about the democratic party. I'll admit I have it a little easier, you see my home city is Chicago during the Daley mayoral reign where democratic machine politics were honed razor sharp, a set of concrete boots was not out of the question for those who tried to buck the system. About the time I think I could start to like Fetterman he gets reigned in by the machine. The handling of Biden (the liability) was also an example of this same power mentality. As much as we make of the presidential race I don't believe that was the real motivation behind the parties move against Biden (they had already run a mental invalid once and "won", they didn't have to put him on stage with Trump to win again. Biden's indiscretion occurred back when he brought Hunter into the family business. Hunter became the weak link to the father who became the weak link to a whole host of democratic partners both in and out of politics. Democrats are all about survival and the "head of the snake" had to be cut off, they could not count on Biden's mental incapacity to stand trial as their only defense, Hunter opened too many doors, especially if a law and order president got elected. My point is understand your enemy or perish.

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Read this tonight, "Secretary Hegseth says the DOD does not do 'climate change crap'", https://www.foxnews.com/person/w/greg-wehner, and if you have any head on your shoulders you have got to love this guy. This CNN’s Haley Britzky quote is one for the books, "but officials & experts are warning that climate efforts at DOD are directly linked to military readiness, and say cuts could put troops and military operations at risk." "All Hail" to the officials and experts because they never get anything wrong. I wonder if Britzky bothered to ask her "official or expert" source to explain exactly how climate change will negatively impacting military readiness or put troops at risk? Like all of the democrats negative reactions to Trump policy they are without substance. All you need to do is ask for details, examples, real facts, and if you're lucky (or unlucky if pressed for time) you might get a "Harris word salad" response, I've done it a few times in "post" exchanges and more often than not the conversation just ends. I mean, when you can't even define "woman" how can you deal with something less tangible (that's not to be confused with how complicated woman are, just ask any husband). Overall the article is excellent, but I still get bothered when I see comments like this Hegseth one "identify the last vestiges of Biden priorities". I wish I could shout it from the house top, the "stuff" that Musk and DOGE are uncovering is so much more then "Biden priorities". The statement itself implies that Biden was a real President, actually in charge, which is ludicrous. The statement ignores or at least minimizes that it's actually the democratic party (having been taken over by a powerful minority), and a compliant republican faction that follows the crowd or at best puts up no resistance, that is behind everything that Musk and DOGE is finding. I'm not saying that some or even most of Trump's team are not aware of this but they don't articulate it at every opportunity. How do people learn, by repetition. Unfortunately too often it does not make any difference whether what you are teaching is true or false, repetition makes the "story" stick either way. We have a lot of educating to do if we expect something different in 2026, 2028 and down the line.

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This is one of those "stories" that needs the full enforcement of the law, "Stacey Abrams slammed after defending $2 billion in Biden-era EPA funds to buy green energy appliances", https://www.foxnews.com/person/c/emma-colton, and this statement is not it, "The Biden EPA ‘gold bars’ scheme is riddled with self-dealing and conflicts of interest, unnecessary middlemen, unqualified recipients, and massively reduced government oversight." I understand the DOJ and FBI are investigating but at the same time this in one of those "so blatant" examples of criminal fraud (stealing of taxpayer money) that everyone involved should be held accountable (Biden only exempt for mental incapacity). In addition, there is no justification for the government buying green appliances period. This is another overreach that should be left to the market to control. Yes, they hide their action behind "global warming" but all they're doing is perpetrating a fraud and using a lie for justification. Global warming is a theory that is in no way proven by fluctuating trends in climate which have been going on since the beginning of time. It is disputed within the scientific community, justified by computer modeling controlled by the modelers (between which there is no consensus), and "sold" through media misinformation. It has been nothing more than a scam to misspend money on everything from EV subsidies, wind farms, solar ventures, etc. (much of which is lost through bankruptcy) while forfeiting energy independence and driving inflation.

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Read some of this story, "Maher compares Trump to a ‘little boy who didn't get enough love’ for this angle of his speech to Congress", https://www.foxnews.com/person/w/joseph-a-wulfsohn, and the first thought that came to mind was "really, that's your complaint that Trump acted like a 'little boy'", when telling the truth about the democrats attitude. I forced myself and read a little farther to this Maher "analysis", "So they couldn't stand for that. They couldn't applaud 'There's no place for political violence.' So it's a two-way street," Maher said. This obvious "salute" for Jan6 prosecutions ignores four years of violent democratic demonstrations that were never prosecuted, democratic plants in the Jan6 demonstration, over the top criminalized prosecutions of demonstrators who where "just there", the death of an unarmed demonstrator, just to name a few of his mental lapses. Perhaps worse is Maher used this "statement" merely to hide the utter lack of compassion on the part of democrats that could not be defended. Finally, there was this, "Earlier in the discussion, Maher expressed his exhaustion over being outraged by the falsehoods given by Trump in his address." I'll grant you outrage and hatred are exhausting but what I've yet to hear or read about is a single correction of a Trump "falsehood". I did a "review" of the signs the democrats were holding up in a previous post showing that none where based on anything concrete or defensible which is why no one has attempted to do more than just wave them. I guess that one problem with being a "media celebrity", you have time to fill or columns to fill whether you have anything worth while to say or not. It's a problem I don't have, I may think I have something important to add when other don't agree (that's a different story) but otherwise I can just stay silent.

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Saw this article, "DOGE says $312M in loans were given to children during COVID pandemic", https://www.foxnews.com/person/d/michael-dorgan, and I know at some point I need to stop commenting about every DOGE revelation, but they keep coming with each one more "unbelievable" than the last. For my part I'm unable to see these as gross negligence or incompetence of a "scattered few" within government. This is out-and-out fraud by government and cutting off funds or recovering funds is not enough. There has got to be a way of tracing these "loans" back to whoever authorized them and to their recipient (who in most cases will be found to not be under 11 or older than 115) and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Has the DOJ set up a team of lawyers to follow up on DOGE findings of this sort? I hesitate to suggest calling for the resignations of the entire SBA but more and more of these agencies are looking as though they need a complete do-over. When you consider the Dept. of Agriculture awarding a grant to study the minstrel cycles of transgender men you have to admit that wholesale resignations should not be off the table.

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Saw the article today, "Biden's 'autopen signature' appears on most official docs, raising concerns over who controlled the WH: report". https://www.foxnews.com/person/c/emma-colton, and it amazes me how years after the damage has been done people all of the sudden want to try and get on the right side of history. For us (ordinary citizens) who don't get to see original copies of EO's this is new information, but for all those insiders (republican officials in particular) and professional government watch dogs and reporters that have this kind of access this has to be "old hat". Why do you suppose they "now" want to associate this with the "possibility" that Biden was not actually running the country? Which many "ordinary citizens" did not need forensic evidence to figure out while the actual injustice was being perpetrated. What these people don't realize is "coming late to the party" is just as bad as ignoring it. I'm not sure whose points they are trying to win but they will not get mine. The time to be on top of the Biden administration scam is gone forever unless they are serious and call for the cancellation of all Biden official acts and EO's while he was "in office", it was an illegal administration, and by that I'm referring to the executive branch, all appointees, therefore all agency activities, everything that falls within the purview of the executive branch was done either by an incompetent "president" or by someone else who was not elected to the office. If there is any question at all about Biden's competence, it's "how long has he been incompetent to do the job of the President of the United States". Given this is the highest office we have, making that person the most powerful representative of the free world, we're not just looking for competence, but competence of the highest order, possessed by only a very small number of our citizens. For me the answer has always been clear, right from the start when he declared himself a candidate and ran a campaign all the while hiding in a basement, coupled with his history of not being able to tell the truth or acknowledge the truth even when his lie has been exposed.

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So,not working, huh??

What? They're getting paid?

Someone better stop this bullshit, right soon!!

More interruptions to education? Aren't these the same kids who missed two years of school for the plandemic?

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Another article that highlights how far we have fallen, "Blue state mayor proposes city ordinance to strengthen transgender care protections in the face of Trump EOs", https://www.foxnews.com/person/s/brie-stimson, this mayor who is called a "moderate" has sold out to the LGBTQ+ crowd. He refers to Trumps actions as "hateful, dangerous and discriminatory attacks" toward the LGBTQ+ "community". In truth Trump has done nothing to the "community", the EO the mayor is against only protects innocent minors from being forced into a bondage life style not of their "free will" choosing. On top of that it doesn't even stop the disgraceful act from happening, it merely defunds the barbaric practice and those that commit it. The mayor also lauds this "community" with praise. Has he ever asked himself why LGBTQ+ does not have M (male or man) or F/W (female or woman) in their "community came". The only genders that actually exist are missing, why is that if this "community" is so inclusive? The answer is simple but embarrassing to admit. The community hates normal people, even though they want to be one in the worse way. Their problem, as with all humanistic philosophy, is that they want "normal" on their own terms which is where the "+" comes in because each humanist has a different idea of what "normal" should look like. You can't force someone to be right, you can make them do the right thing, but since it's not voluntary it remains "wrong for them". That's why withholding funding is the only viable and legal way to address this issue. Unfortunately it does leave the door open for Seattle to decide if they want to cover the cost for this barbaric act, which carries with it the burden of covering actual healthcare costs for the city if the medical profession goes along with it.

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Saw this article, "Republicans call for Trump to cut off American Bar Association", https://www.foxnews.com/person/w/rachel-wolf, and I must confess I don't know what the governments relationship is with the ABA. I agree with the sentiment expressed in the letter, The ABA's comment about USAID alone is reason enough to treat this group like the plague. Trump's action toward the USAID broke no laws and in fact upheld the law regarding misuse of taxpayer funds. I understand from the article that the ABA has been instrumental in making judgeship recommendations, but a recommendation means noting unless it is a good one that stands on its own merits. What measures with respect to the ABA are appropriate or being proposed? After a little research I think I have at least a partial answer to my question. Very briefly this is the "history of the ABA from their own website, "The ABA was founded in 1878 on a commitment to set the legal and ethical foundation for the American nation. Today, it exists as a membership organization and stands committed to its mission of defending liberty and pursuing justice.". On this basis alone I think Trump needs to establish (perhaps via Congress) an official legal licensing organization that is answerable to the DOJ. The ABA as I guess the letter was trying to point out has become irretrievably corrupted. If such an official licensing organization was created one of their first assignments might be to reassess all "ABA license holders" (lawyers and judges) to determine their fitness to continue to serve in a legal capacity (i.e., get re-licensed according to a Constitutional Standard), no more "humanistic - ethics are anything you would like them to be", or "legal" by the same definition.

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Change of heart, "Columbia ready to work with Trump to bolster disciplinary process that was 'only on paper'", https://www.foxnews.com/person/w/rachel-wolf, money talks and Trump is a real leader, but I'm more interested in exactly what the $400M was buying then the money itself. They can crack down on antisemitism all day and I would not restore a dollar unless the public hears what this money is going for. The interim president says the cuts will "immediately impact research and other critical functions", but we already an Agricultural Agency "research" topic was studying the "transgender male menstrual cycles", and what "critical functions" are we talking about that should not be paid for by the university as opposed to a grant. This is exactly why it is necessary for DOGE to peer into every corner of government spending, no exceptions.

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