Thank you for this well written article and every single person with a functioning brain needs to read and digest it! This is some of the most information I have ever read in one article! Thank you a million times over! May GOD continue blessing you and all who contribute to spreading the truth and providing information we need to know. Praying for all GOD loving people and for all of our true American loving citizens! Too many of us have been neglectful in keeping informed about what our government has been doing for over 80 years! I was born in 1940…my daddy joined the Navy to fight in WWll and served on the Battleship Texas, my mother became a nurse, many uncles joined the Marines, Army, Army Air Core and Navy, other uncles left their own stores to go work in the ship yards and just about everyone put their normal lives on hold and became heroes in my way of thinking. Sadly some of them never returned, but all loved our country, our citizens and the people in other countries.

Oh, if today’s elected officials had the same moral and patriotic convictions our citizens had along with the military leaders in those days, this world wouldn’t be swept up in immoral trash we have today! So tragic so many elected officials are in politics only to enrich themselves and to have power that they DO NOT DESERVE! GOD knows and praying more of us who love others and our America will know and choose to become informed to know the truth and vote for what and who is RIGHT for all!

In prayer because I really do care,


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Mike, re Obama IRS scandal, thank you for this history lesson. I remember working at a fish cannery in Alaska that smelled better! That stench has since gotten worse and (IMO) has Obama’s odor all over it!

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Obama couldn't have done all of this socialist stuff all by himself, I think he was getting a lot of directions and orders from someone in the DNC or even higher. Plans were laid long before Obama even got in office.

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Absolutely. None of obama's treason happened overnight. He, like obiden, was the mouth piece and front man. Would love to see his financial statements as he mysteriously became a millionaire while in office. No folks, he didn't make it off book sales!

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Excellent comments from both Robin and Red Green. Yes this has been planned for a long time. And you are right. Obama was trotted out like a trained seal. Funny thing is people like him believe their own press when in fact they are mere minions. Their power is given to them by a handful of absolutely corrupt people who have sold their souls to the real prince of evil. They may win battles but we know who wins the war

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The only thing worse than losing a fight is to never have fought at all.

God Bless

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Excellent work. I re-read our Constitution and Declaration of Independence multiple times a year. Anytime government is really getting me down, I re-read. Also throw in the Federalist Papers and others occasionally. I love when they try to quote one of our great documents to me and you... they always distort everything. Any person sworn to uphold our Constitution should only be allowed to serve if they can pass a test on it, each and every year. And it should be an automatic removal if at any time they fail to uphold it.

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When SCOTUS didn't give leftists what they wanted with their decisions this past week, there were serious calls to pack the Court or even get rid of the Constitution. AOC has actually said she doesn't know why we have a Supreme Court.

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Funny, AOC is exactly the reason our Founding Father's created a Judicial Branch!

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True! By coincidence, the letters "AOC" also stand for "assault our Constitution."

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Nicely done. 🙌

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I cannot imagine the IQ of those who voted for AOC.

All I can think of is there are a whole lot of stupid people or there really is more election tampering than we thought.

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Probably a combination of both. AOC had a primary challenge this year but won with, I think, 80-something percent of the vote. Disappointing is not the word.

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I do believe little Miss knickers in a knot missed her calling. Perhaps drama is more suited to her personality. Her performance with the foul mouthed dude on the campaign trail was right up there with middle school cheerleaders 📣

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On the bright side, at least it didn't work for HIM. But Dems have this thing with "star quality."

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Lol. Exactly! When did respect and integrity fly out the window? Some of them are truly repulsive.

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The test is a great idea! (Maybe the test for becoming a U.S. citizen?) Paradoxically, we'd need a constitutional amendment to make that happen.

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Oh the irony. Though we could all band together and use it as a litmus test for potential candidates... if they don't support it, no vote. I still hope that one day we can unite again under the Constitution. 🙏🇺🇸

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2


When the Church started being a feel good club rather than witnesses of God's inspired inerrant truth and the will of the people became the people will America was lost.

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Exactly. It is unbelievable how many churches bend to their will. They forget that they serve (or are supposed to serve) God, not the government or social fads.

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Feel good and the prosperity message and anything goes message. Ugh!

I think God is trying to tell us something if we just take the time to listen.

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Obama's IRS "audited" both BGEA and Samaritan's Purse at the same time .......shutting down FG and their operations ......with "staff" servicing the IRS. The IRS accumulated "donor's info" .............and audited me for a small donation from my IRA (QCD)

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We were missionaries in Nigeria and were audited. The IRS wanted us to prove we were living in Africa. For some reason our passports with entry and exit stamps was not sufficient. A letter from our Nigerian colleagues was not sufficient. They actually asked for receipts from the grocery store! Ahhhh, the lady in the market selling tomatoes doesn’t give receipts. It took a YEAR until they finally stopped asking us for documents. Actually once my husband was cleared, then they asked for my same documents. It was abuse of IRS power.

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Breaking news. Leftwing imbecile Merchan delaying the sentence over Trump. The enemy is falling back on all fronts. God says.....touch not mine anointed. The evil dems are in a state of disarray. Bidens disasterous showing in the debate, the Supreme Court standing up for what's right have the party of satan running with their tails between their lands.

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From your lips to God’s ear!

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Another excellent Morning Edition. Even with vacations you all mange to provide interesting and informative articles.

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Thanks! Now I'm going to go play.

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Enjoy, you all have earned it. Just please be sure to come back

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I can't open any of the links in your email this morning. Neither can my boyfriend. Are you being censored again?

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Well, look at that! I can't open them, either, until I get down to the recording of "Wishing Will Make It So." That will play, and the links in the last two stories are also good. I'll drop a note to our tech wizard Chris, though he, like me, is allegedly on vacation.

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I can't either. Substack did go down last night for a short time. I wonder if it might be related?

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Don't know what to tell you about that. But I did notify Chris of the problem.

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Love ya Mike

Join us and spread the word

Show the ‘dark side’ that We The People are unified and unafraid!

Join us for the largest peaceful conservative family outing in history!

Celebrate OUR Constitution on OUR National Mall on September 22, 2024 and be seen by THIS government as a free people who are not on their knees.!


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From what I keep reading recently the only thing in my favor is that I’m in my early 80s with no children and while not wealthy, I can probably continue to keep me as long as I need. That being said, this is probably when I see having no dependents keeps me from worrying about their future. If the Republicans are foolish enough to sit home instead of voting, I want to hear NO complaining if they don’t like the outcome. In my philosophy you’re only allowed to complain if you participate. NO VOTING, NO COMPLAINING. It is our only opportunity to change things. God help us all if the Demoncrats stay in power.

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Not sure why even though a paid subscriber, I can neither remark or agree yes or no to comments. 😢

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found the theme song for BLM and Antifa.

very telling at 50 seconds through 122 seconds.

"Angry Mob" from my little ponies


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