While the pipe bomb allegation is interesting, the Seth Rich case is too. It is doubtful Rich was

murdered for political reasons, we will not know it for sure until the purportators are arrested and confess. This in no way abrogates the Democrats for being part of the cause. It is their policies

of being soft on crime which led to his murder, conspiracy or not.

In Utah, there was a man who confessed in a Utah court who on behalf of the Democratic

Party, urged people to riot on January 6. He was charged in Utah on drug violations and

tried to negotiate for a lighter sentence if he testified about what he knew about January 6.

With the Utah Governor being a 'Rhino', it isn't any wonder this case hasn't gone on beyond

the state of Utah. George Romney has a proud heritage but not with regard to his service,

either in Utah or when he served as Governor for Massechuttess during the September 11

disaster. It was his hiring policies which were responsible for lax security when the

terrorists were allowed on the soon to be weaponized planes. This too never hit the

mainstream media.

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Another opinion piece for the waste basket, "Trump’s federal layoffs are a betrayal of working Americans", https://www.foxnews.com/person/f/richard-fowler, with this subheading, "The federal workforce doesn’t deserve to be treated like a political bargaining chip". My first thought before even skimming this piece was "sometimes they can get it right without even knowing it". The title for example, exactly how is eliminating waste in government a betrayal of working Americans? Working Americans pay taxes and expect that money to be used wisely and efficiently, not paying the wages of civil service employees that are redundant or squandering those tax dollars on projects like those Musk/DOGE are disclosing. Then the subheading, I agree they should not be treated as bargaining chips, they should be treated as a workforce, which is exactly what the Trump administration is doing. For example, come to work (versus "work" at home), work efficiently (don't have three people doing one persons job), and work "properly" (don't promote or allow waste or fraud on your watch). Then I skimmed his article and the opening item was the "single parent, working mother, hope for the future, race (though not specifically mentioned) card, which is I guess supposed to give him credentials for what follows. Then he goes on to listing "terrible things" that he thinks will happen, with absolutely no proof, all with respect to government agencies whose poor performance and history of waste and fraud are now a matter of record. He even gives and example, Maria Alvarez, a single mother in Virginia who has been with HUD for 10 years, does not say she was fired, and if she was doing her job (a job that was a HUD mission job), I can almost guarantee she was not fired as a result of Musk/DOGE disclosures. I think you get the picture so I'll quit with his last "gem" using his mother again for credibility, "my mother always said, "A budget reflects your values." If you care about something, you invest in it. If you don’t, you cut it." Again, one of those "so close" you can almost except statement but it's missing a critical word, the word "good" before budget. You can invest in a bad budget, like Biden's administration has done for the past four years and government in general has been doing for decades before that, or you can invest in a good budget like Trump is working to bring about. All that Richard Fowler has accomplished with this article is identify himself with everything bad (and now public knowledge, not hidden, so he is without excuse) that the Trump administration is trying to clean up.

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I seem to remember that after Seth Rich was murdered, his family supposedly told the authorities to drop the case. I remember thinking at the time that maybe they had been threatened or bribed. I couldn't imagine not wanting to find my.lived ones killer

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In the news today, "GOP lawmaker calls trans Dem 'Mr. McBride,' abruptly ends hearing after ultimatum from another Dem", https://www.foxnews.com/person/n/alex-nitzberg, the democrats have now gone on record to say it is indecent to speak the truth. Here we have a man that pretends to be a woman with the democrats objecting when he is referred as a man. So, when a person portrays a criminal, should they be treated as a criminal when the play is over? Or during the play should they be arrested, tried, and put into a "real jail" for their play crime? I'm aware that my opinion of the democratic party, "become irretrievably unamerican", has not taken root. But positions like this where you can't call a man a man, acts like this where during Biden's tenure they criminally stole vast quantities of taxpayer funds and criminalized the justice system against the opposition, can't be describes as anything but unamerican. Our very form of government which allows them to exist is in danger by their very existence and our only help comes from an electorate that does not see or understand the danger, that seems to like playing with fire like a child with matches. Personally, I think ending the subject hearing was exactly the right move, we either stop this nonsense now or continue on a course where we end up loosing everything America was intended to stand for.

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