George, did you get your newsletter? It delivered around 11 AM CST. Just so you know we are adding podcasts for readers, but you will always get your newsletter. - Team Huck
Hi Karl, you do not need to listen to the audio updates. You will continue to receive your newsletter by email or app. In fact, we just sent this morning's newsletter. The podcast is extra content for subscribers. - Team Huck
Here is a supposed "learned" person who is anything but, "State education chief says it's 'inaccurate' to say there are only two genders, in defense of trans athletes",, this is his argument supposedly based on "science", "It is quite simply inaccurate to say, biologically, that there are only boys and there are only girls," Reykdal said. "There's a continuum. There's a science to this. There are children who are born intersex. There are children whose hormones and whose chromosomes are not consistent with their sex at birth." Of course the latter part of this statement is obviously true, but there are also children born without arms or legs, or joined together, or with any number of other abnormalities, but to we consider them less then "human" or give them a "freak name". Life was not intended to be this way. Genesis 1:31 says "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good", but that was before sin entered into the world. All that Reykdal correctly describes is the result of "original sin" (apart from any individuals involved), the same reason we all must eventually die. Proverbs 9 tells about true wisdom which can be summarized with V. 10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." That being said, the other problem with Reykdal's logic is that the "examples" he sites are an extremely small percentage of the gender dysphoria movement that is trying to commandeer society today. The vast majority are confused young people being led astray by our liberal humanistic government sponsored "educational and medical" systems. If "true science" was really behind this it would recognize these "anomalies" exactly for what they are, not "new sexes" any more than a child born without limbs is a new human species. Finally, even if Reykdal was "convinced" in his "belief" his using this as an argument for trans athletes "in woman's sports" is flawed, he should be arguing for a trans athletic competition if he really considers them a "new and unique" sex.
While the case is not closed "yet" this is a bad omen for the executive branch, "Supreme Court pauses Trump administration's effort to fire head of whistleblower protection agency",, something that should have been a simple separation of powers decision is now becoming a question of will the "courts" decide they have the power to dictate how the President does his job. The person Trump "fired" is a presidential appointee, if the president can't fire an appointee what can he do that will not have to pass judicial review? Again, no law, as far as I have seen noted, is being identified for these rulings, even at the SCOTUS level. At this rate Trump's effort to save our government system may be the very "excuse" used to bring it down.
Where is the newsletter??? I don't do podcasts. I can read an article much faster than I can listen to it narrated.
George Reynolds
Virginia Beach, VA
George, did you get your newsletter? It delivered around 11 AM CST. Just so you know we are adding podcasts for readers, but you will always get your newsletter. - Team Huck
I like the new feature as well - as a former broadcaster, I too would like to know whose voice we're hearing. Keep up the great reporting!
Why am I being forced to load the Substack app for a subscription I've already paid for? I don't want audio or video, I only want the newsletter.
Please help me understand. Thanks.
Hi Karl, you do not need to listen to the audio updates. You will continue to receive your newsletter by email or app. In fact, we just sent this morning's newsletter. The podcast is extra content for subscribers. - Team Huck
That makes sense. Thanks for the update.
Here is a supposed "learned" person who is anything but, "State education chief says it's 'inaccurate' to say there are only two genders, in defense of trans athletes",, this is his argument supposedly based on "science", "It is quite simply inaccurate to say, biologically, that there are only boys and there are only girls," Reykdal said. "There's a continuum. There's a science to this. There are children who are born intersex. There are children whose hormones and whose chromosomes are not consistent with their sex at birth." Of course the latter part of this statement is obviously true, but there are also children born without arms or legs, or joined together, or with any number of other abnormalities, but to we consider them less then "human" or give them a "freak name". Life was not intended to be this way. Genesis 1:31 says "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good", but that was before sin entered into the world. All that Reykdal correctly describes is the result of "original sin" (apart from any individuals involved), the same reason we all must eventually die. Proverbs 9 tells about true wisdom which can be summarized with V. 10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." That being said, the other problem with Reykdal's logic is that the "examples" he sites are an extremely small percentage of the gender dysphoria movement that is trying to commandeer society today. The vast majority are confused young people being led astray by our liberal humanistic government sponsored "educational and medical" systems. If "true science" was really behind this it would recognize these "anomalies" exactly for what they are, not "new sexes" any more than a child born without limbs is a new human species. Finally, even if Reykdal was "convinced" in his "belief" his using this as an argument for trans athletes "in woman's sports" is flawed, he should be arguing for a trans athletic competition if he really considers them a "new and unique" sex.
I want the newsletter, not a video
We are loading it now Vicky. - Team Huck
While the case is not closed "yet" this is a bad omen for the executive branch, "Supreme Court pauses Trump administration's effort to fire head of whistleblower protection agency",, something that should have been a simple separation of powers decision is now becoming a question of will the "courts" decide they have the power to dictate how the President does his job. The person Trump "fired" is a presidential appointee, if the president can't fire an appointee what can he do that will not have to pass judicial review? Again, no law, as far as I have seen noted, is being identified for these rulings, even at the SCOTUS level. At this rate Trump's effort to save our government system may be the very "excuse" used to bring it down.
I use closed do I get those on Substack?
Each audio post has a transcript that you can read.
Roscoe. The president of the United States rocking and rolling for the American people keeping his word. God bless him.
Please, readers, introduce yourselves! 🤓🎙️I enjoy this new feature.
I guess I should have asked if it is Laura and Pat reading the news, and hello to all!📰📫
It isn't!
Oh rats is it AI🙃