From the letter above: "Hunter could really use his own personal DOGE to figure out where the money goes and help him stop the flow. On the other hand, I think we already have a good idea where it goes." Well, I think we know that "where it goes" is up his nose.
Saw this article today, "House education chair backs Trump move to abolish federal agency",, and it highlights the insurmountable problem Trump faces unless there is sweeping change in the 2026 election. Here the chair of the House education committee agrees with the elimination of the DOE but acknowledges it can't be done with this Congress. This does not prevent Trump and his new DOE head from making significant changes but it does prevent them from getting the real job done. Trump is on the right track and a lot of people know it but is that a majority and are they where they need to be to make a difference? In my opinion we're close or have reached the "majority" of the population (2020 election results aside), but that means nothing when it comes to control of Congress, that's a much different hurdle to cross. To control Congress, whether House or Senate all you need is support of a combination of a "minority and largest states", which they have even with the slight republican advantage of the current Senate. If you don't get over the "60 hurdle" you're fighting a losing battle. During the modern era there has never been a "one party" filibuster proof Congress. The question for 2026 is has the democratic party become so anti American, or has America become so lost with respect to it's vision, to make this a historical possibility?
I think the last election answered your question. No one—I repeat—no one, expected Trump to win with such overwhelming numbers. Don't get me wrong; Trump won fair and square, but it was unexpected. Why? Simply because he had even received an unexpected portion of the Democrat vote. That election was a call for change that the Democrats still refuse to acknowledge. Also, their "mouthpiece," the "Mainstream media," has gone limp over the past several months out of pure confusion.
Trump needs to hit the campaign trail in the coming months, but this time he needs to be calling for a larger majority in both Houses of Congress.
I still don't understand the common refrain that Trump won with overwhelming numbers but I don't disagree that no one expected him to win. The "overwhelming" comes from the electoral vote which I'm not denying was significant but it reflects smart campaign strategy not "overwhelming consensus". If anyone thinks the democrats will take their "strongholds" for granted again there is always that "swamp" for sale. Trump won in 2024 with less than 1% "majority" of the popular vote and while Republican's have a numerical advantage in Congress they have by no means a philosophical or ideological majority. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic. Remember, Trump is anti "traditional government" which is why neither party actually embraces him. Most republicans in office don't like him exposing their waste and fraud any more than democrats. What I will say is Trump is surprising a lot of people (electorate) with his policies, energy, and transparency, and the team he has recruited this time so I'm not giving up on 2026 but it's still a much bigger uphill battle than people think. We do not have the electorate we had in the middle of the last century and may never have it again, so counting on "truth and justice" to carry the argument is optimistic at best.
And yet the party does not have control of Congress and he "won" the popular vote by 2.5M on a base of 350M. People keep repeating the "good news" while ignoring reality. I'm not saying Trump's campaign was not superior to Harris's but neither Trump nor Harris are in the 2026 or 2028 race. Trump lost the electoral vote in 2020 to a dementia patient (232 to 306), Harris "the word salad" lost the electoral vote in 2024 (226 to 312), yet we call the 2020 (stolen) election close and the 2024 an overwhelming win. If that makes sense to anyone I sure can't figure out why. To me, after four years of disaster with a puppet president followed by an unqualified candidate not even selected by her party, I would expect even Donald Duck would have won "big time", not by less than 1% of the vote.
It's a good question, but even if he hadn't seen them it doesn't absolve him of being a mean-spirited grifter. Biden was cognitively impaired before he took office. My guess is he simply signed whatever he was told to sign. I seriously doubt he fully understood any of his EOs.
I doubt it.
Well- he is clearly still smoking crack if he really has no idea why no one will pay big bucks to hear him speak -
Those Q-anon people have been saying this for 4 years, that the signatures were not matching. Will someone with authority finally pay attention?
From the letter above: "Hunter could really use his own personal DOGE to figure out where the money goes and help him stop the flow. On the other hand, I think we already have a good idea where it goes." Well, I think we know that "where it goes" is up his nose.
Saw this article today, "House education chair backs Trump move to abolish federal agency",, and it highlights the insurmountable problem Trump faces unless there is sweeping change in the 2026 election. Here the chair of the House education committee agrees with the elimination of the DOE but acknowledges it can't be done with this Congress. This does not prevent Trump and his new DOE head from making significant changes but it does prevent them from getting the real job done. Trump is on the right track and a lot of people know it but is that a majority and are they where they need to be to make a difference? In my opinion we're close or have reached the "majority" of the population (2020 election results aside), but that means nothing when it comes to control of Congress, that's a much different hurdle to cross. To control Congress, whether House or Senate all you need is support of a combination of a "minority and largest states", which they have even with the slight republican advantage of the current Senate. If you don't get over the "60 hurdle" you're fighting a losing battle. During the modern era there has never been a "one party" filibuster proof Congress. The question for 2026 is has the democratic party become so anti American, or has America become so lost with respect to it's vision, to make this a historical possibility?
I think the last election answered your question. No one—I repeat—no one, expected Trump to win with such overwhelming numbers. Don't get me wrong; Trump won fair and square, but it was unexpected. Why? Simply because he had even received an unexpected portion of the Democrat vote. That election was a call for change that the Democrats still refuse to acknowledge. Also, their "mouthpiece," the "Mainstream media," has gone limp over the past several months out of pure confusion.
Trump needs to hit the campaign trail in the coming months, but this time he needs to be calling for a larger majority in both Houses of Congress.
I still don't understand the common refrain that Trump won with overwhelming numbers but I don't disagree that no one expected him to win. The "overwhelming" comes from the electoral vote which I'm not denying was significant but it reflects smart campaign strategy not "overwhelming consensus". If anyone thinks the democrats will take their "strongholds" for granted again there is always that "swamp" for sale. Trump won in 2024 with less than 1% "majority" of the popular vote and while Republican's have a numerical advantage in Congress they have by no means a philosophical or ideological majority. I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic. Remember, Trump is anti "traditional government" which is why neither party actually embraces him. Most republicans in office don't like him exposing their waste and fraud any more than democrats. What I will say is Trump is surprising a lot of people (electorate) with his policies, energy, and transparency, and the team he has recruited this time so I'm not giving up on 2026 but it's still a much bigger uphill battle than people think. We do not have the electorate we had in the middle of the last century and may never have it again, so counting on "truth and justice" to carry the argument is optimistic at best.
89% of counties voted for Trump - all the “toss up” states went for Trump - pretty overwhelming!
And yet the party does not have control of Congress and he "won" the popular vote by 2.5M on a base of 350M. People keep repeating the "good news" while ignoring reality. I'm not saying Trump's campaign was not superior to Harris's but neither Trump nor Harris are in the 2026 or 2028 race. Trump lost the electoral vote in 2020 to a dementia patient (232 to 306), Harris "the word salad" lost the electoral vote in 2024 (226 to 312), yet we call the 2020 (stolen) election close and the 2024 an overwhelming win. If that makes sense to anyone I sure can't figure out why. To me, after four years of disaster with a puppet president followed by an unqualified candidate not even selected by her party, I would expect even Donald Duck would have won "big time", not by less than 1% of the vote.
It's a good question, but even if he hadn't seen them it doesn't absolve him of being a mean-spirited grifter. Biden was cognitively impaired before he took office. My guess is he simply signed whatever he was told to sign. I seriously doubt he fully understood any of his EOs.
what a disgusting person he is