VA pauses billions in cuts lauded by Musk as lawmakers and veterans decry loss of critical care


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I'm hearing this too from those that work there. Just going to fast to figure everything out.

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"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men; whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king." 1 Peter 2:13-17

"When there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law." Proverbs 29:18

Two things caught my eye and ire today as I watched the President's cabinet meeting. One was the arrogance of the news media asking the same questions repeatedly while at the same time asking the President to expose his plans for the upcoming peace negotiations with the Ukraine and Russia.

Another was a reporter calling attention to RFK's voice as the result of presently carrying a new virus. What incompetence and lack of knowledge, not knowing that RFK's voice has sounded this way for many years. Pray that our President uses a steady hand with the refinement of these hacks. I was so angered I was hoping that he would give them a year's vacation from all further press briefings which is not a novel concept. What a good job JD Vance did in handling the presses impudence

The other thing that caught my eye was a Democrat Congresswoman earlier protesting President Trump's handling of DOGE in another small Luny left liberal rally and then showing up at another meeting supposedly with other Christian lawmakers and praying before they met to resist their duly appointed Commander and Chief. The hypocrisy of the Left's actions leaves a stench in my nostrils. May their constituents see those who hate the exposure of theft, corruption and fraud and make them the newest failed policy makers looking for work.

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Finding jobs in the private sector also means that workers' productivity in the workplace must result in sufficient profit to keep the business in business.

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A great Morning Edition with lots of info. The CIA agents who want to expose sensitive material they know, should get them a room at Gitmoe for doing so. The time for cleaning the Government out is way over due and is at the tipping point. Thank the Lord for POTUS and his picks. We as a nation need to make sure we back them up we put them there now lets make sure they are able to do what we voted for......

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Thank you for such a superior overview of what is happening in our country and the world each day. When I open your Newsletter, it saves time from reading all the other publications. Concise and well organized......

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So thankful that Kash and Dan are heading the FBI. Hopefully they will clean the rot out of the agency and restore its reputation allowing us to once again depend on their investigations. Also to depend on real investigations and not targeting everyday Americans going about their everyday business! Trump has picked some great cabinet people! Hopefully our law enforcement agencies will once again feel supported. Our military will return to its once elite reputation. I'm so thankful we have been given a chance to "right the wrongs" that have been going on for far too long in the federal government. Thank you President Trump and others who support his efforts to drain the swamp of all the elites in either party!

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I've been hearing a lot of them have dumped the server(s) and then headed for the nearest exit already. I presume with hard-drive in pocket. <--- snark...or not.

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Amen Sister!!

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Take a look at this poor copy cat effort, "Top blue-state Republican launches comprehensive DOGE effort, with a twist", https://www.foxnews.com/person/c/charles-creitz, I mean his heart is probably right but his head is not. This Republican Representative from Pennsylvania wants to borrow the DOGE formula but put it under the control of the Pennsylvania legislators, in part because the state has a democratic governor but also because he's against "deferring to the executive branch". Exactly who does he think is responsible for spending legislation in his state, it's not the governor. So he wants the people responsible to police themselves and identify waste and fraud. It makes you wonder if these elected people are for real. If the governor misused state funds it's only because they were approved and/or the legislation was poorly written, unless you have reason to believe he committed a crime.

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Read this article, "Jim Jordan details House GOP strategy to back up Trump in court: 'Everything's on the table'", https://www.foxnews.com/person/e/elizabeth-elkind, and I can't say I'm impressed with Jordan's sense of urgency. Also, regarding the comment about adding more judges, I can't think of a worse ides, regardless of who appoints them. We need fewer law suits, and by that I mean judges who will dismiss a law suit on its merits (or lack of). Most of these challenges of EO have been without legal merit and many others not involving the federal government fall into the same category. If these were simply denied the judges that we have would be able to manage the work load and if the desire for more is based on the poor quality of rulings they should go after the judges making the bad rulings, not hire more.

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Certainly agree too many appointed worthless judges;bidumb bragged he'd "appointed more judges than Trump"And not a single one of them I've heard/read about has read our Constitution;judging by their rulings!!

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Yeah and help from two faced Lindsay Graham with 39 leftwing judges. He also fist bumped Kamala Harris when she was in the senate. The word says you will know them by their fruit.

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You gotta admit its a great time to be a lawyer

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Wow! Is correct!! Has Bezos taken the Red Pill?? I may have to look at that page on the WaPo website whenever they get the new hire installed 🤓

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Musk wasn't elected? Neither were Fucchi or Soros....

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That's right Sharon but no outcry there.

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Dan Bongino shouldn't have any problem finding a place to live in DC!

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and at lower rates

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Gov Huckabee, please stop giving us so much factual information, it's very hard to understand the truth after being lied to for 12 of the past 16 years. Sarcasm intended ... toot-toot. MAGA

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Cute. Love the sarcasm.

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Thank you. Boy I’m sure glad for the clarification of the report about the Elon DOGE STAFFER RESIGNATIONS. I just couldn’t believe that he would be so inattentive to his hiring process that he would bring aboard folks who would refuse to fly as soon as they were told they would not be receiving free coffee service during their flight…..

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wow got lots of info in todays news letter

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A awesome read!!!!!

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I watch Gutfeld. I enjoy the show but I wish they would refrain from such bad language. I guess I'm old school but it still offends me. I hate to hear about Kat Timpf's cancer diagnosis, but happy about the birth of her son. In her announcement about the birth and diagnosis, I didn't see a call for prayer. I will pray for her and pray that she recognizes, and leans on The Great Physician.

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And I hope Kat looks at “alternative” cures that are available! 💐🙏👶🏼

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I agree with you Mary. The language does hurt your ears and spirit. We'll keep Kat Timpt in prayer. Congratulations on her baby boy.

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